NPs & PAs will outnumber
Physicians by 2030


APP’s prescribing power is misunderstood and underreported. POCN Group’s next-generation, proprietary data and solution are leading the way.

NPs & PAs will outnumber Physicians by 2030


APP’s prescribing power is misunderstood and underreported. POCN Group’s next-generation, proprietary data and solution are leading the way.

Game-changing NP & PA solutions

Targeted Engagement Marketing & Medical

We’re the largest professional digital platform, with 90% of NPs/PAs in the US. Marketing teams can engage with our proven peer-based solutions with industry-leading data.

Engage Patients @POC

We partner with healthcare marketers to reach APPs with the goal of increasing their brand awareness, onboarding patient for their therapy, and revenue generation at the point of prescription

Data & DSP

Our proprietary Rx and Dx algorithms, coupled with our DSP and SSP, bring a deeper understanding of NPs and PAs, allowing teams to maximize strategies like never before.

Experts & Ambassadors

We connect local to national leadership across work, academia, and organizations to support APPs’ professional and clinical growth tailored to their interests and behavior.

Career & Talent

We partner with the best providers and recruiters with the most relevant and qualified NPs & PAs based on clinical expertise and interests.

Clinical Trials

Patient access to novel therapies and patient enrollment to clinical trials is dramatically enhanced with Impiricus.


POCN’s mission is to empower NPs and PAs to elevate their careers and their profession through shared connections with each other, their patients, and the most advanced resources for learning and caring.


We help NPs & PAs serve 2 billion patients yearly through VIA, our network with peer feature set.


We provide the most relevant information for each NP & PA based on their patient panel


Our peer-to-peer platforms provide trusted, precise data for our clients.

Grow NRx & TRx

NPs and PAs can prescribe in ALL 50 states, plus the District of Columbia

3.1 Billion+ Rx per year are written by NPs and PAs

NPs and PAs account for 1/3rd of all prescribers in America

Our Founder

Founded in 2014, POCN Group is leading the revolution in NP & PA prescribing Data and Engagement. As an industry executive, Richard Zwickel saw the opportunity to redefine the relationship NPs and PAs have with industry.

Our Team

Our team is comprised of former pharma marketers and data scientists, NP and PA advisors who have extensive experience in life sciences across all therapeutic areas.

The POCN Group Difference

POCN Group’s strategy team is comprised of marketers and data specialists who have extensive experience in life sciences across all product life cycle stages. POCN will help you develop customized NP and PA strategic plans that will support your product and drive revenue.

POCN Group the experts connecting NPs & PAs with peers and industry

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